Batu Open 2011


Under CV. Elang Perkasa, Ayokitakemon! Outdoor Activities starting to operate at January 1st, 2009. Our home base is at Kota Batu, East Java. Our tagline is safety first, peace, love, and rock ‘n roll. We are legal provider and specialized on paragliding service, but Ayokitakemon! is not limiting its activity boundaries. Wherever there is outdoor activity, we are in. Wherever there is adrenaline pumping, we are in too. Until now, we provide professionally all of paragliding, hang gliding, diving, rafting, trekking, outbound and all of those outdoor accommodations. And for anyone who want to be as solo paragliding flight, Elang Icaro Paragliding Club – Batu, opens a registration. Education will be held in three places; Lapangan Bumiaji–Batu, Landing Area–Batu, and Take-off Area – Batu. During the period of education, student equipment will be provided by the Club (Wing, Harness, Helm, Carabiners, Reserve Wing).




Tandem Paragliding with Ayokitakemon

Bagi anda para penyuka olahraga tidak biasa.. bagi anda yang ingin merasakan sensasi terbang seperti elang.. bagi anda yang ingin merasakan sensasi menangkap awan.. bagi anda yang ingin menikmati pemandangan kota Batu dari sudut yang berbeda.. bagi anda yang ingin memiliki foto-foto yang lain daripada yang lain.. bagi anda yang tertarik dengan tandem paralayang di Batu, Jatim.. anda mungkin bisa mempertimbangkan untuk menghubungi (satu-satunya di Kota Batu) provider legal Ayokitakemon! Outdoor-Activities yang menyediakan berbagai pilihan paket tandem paralayang diantara jasa-jasa yang mereka tawarkan. Sekarang dengan pilihan asuransi per terbang.

For you who love unusual sport..adrenaline junkie..who wants to fly and soaring like an eagle..who wants to get the sensation of catching white-clouds..who wants to enjoy Batu's landscape from different angle..who wants to have unique and stylish pictures..who wants to do tandem paragliding in Batu-East Java.., you may consider to call "Ayokitakemon! Outdoor-Activities", the one and only legal-provider that offering tandem packages among of their service. Now with insurance options per flight.

Dari paket yang paling sederhana senilai Rp. 350.000,- sampai dengan paket yang tertinggi senilai Rp. 600.000,-, anda akan mendapatkan jasa layanan tandem dengan master tandem berlisensi nasional, perlengkapan yang berstandar internasional, safety-first operation, dan crew-crew yang menyajikan pertemanan-cinta-dan rock 'n roll.

From Rp. 350.000,- to the most pampered service at Rp. 600.000,-, you will get a tandem paragliding service with national-licensed tandem master, international standard equipments, safety-first operations, and crews who provide friendship-love, and rock 'n roll.

Detail paket-paket jasa tandem dapat anda lihat di posting lain pada blogspot ini dengan judul: TARIF TANDEM PARALAYANG DI BATU/ PRICELIST TANDEM PACKAGES.

Further details about the packages are on previous posting of this blog with title: TARIF TANDEM PARALAYANG DI BATU/ PRICELIST TANDEM PACKAGES

homebase: Jl. Arumdalu 20 Songgoriti, Batu - East Java 65312
0818 33 7051 / 0341-593 225 /
Fax (with prior notice) 0341-596274
Equipments by Icaro-wings Germany, Icaro Helmet Italy, Gin S.Korea, Toyota Landcruiser FJ40, Mitsubishi L300, Panasonic Camcorder, GoPro Cam, Canon Digicam, Oakley glasses and shoes, Yaesu Radio Japan, Weierwei Radio China.

7 komentar:

  1. Paralayang Kota Batu is the Best. Kunjung balik ke website KPU Kota Batu ya.

  2. wah mantap ga wisata bertualangnya, jangan lupa kunjungi Ewig Bali Tour, banyak info wisata petualangan di bali. Terima kasih

  3. seru juga sepertinya paralayang ini. apalagi kalo bisa terbang sampai awan pake paralayang. bhihihihihi

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